2017 Gatherings

Thank you for joining Le Barbecue!

Thanks to everybody that came to our annual reunion, Le Barbecue. Check out here the photos on our Facebook page!

Le Barbecue

We hope you have had a fruitful year of study. After spending 9 months on intense studying, we sincerely understand your needs to party with your best friends from VSA!

The barbecue events in the previous years were hugely successful, with over 100 guests coming. We have recognised that there has been a large demand for a barbecue event this year.

Responding to these demands, we are excited to announce our yearly social barbecue event. The details of the party are as follows:

  • Date: 23rd June 2017 (Fri)

  • Time: 17:30 – 20:00

  • Venue: 5/F, Victoria Shanghai Academy

  • Price: HKD$180 per person (HKD$165 per person for early bird)

We hope that you will be able to join us on that day and reunite with friends, classmates and teachers alike. If you have any enquiries, or would like to voice your opinion regarding anything related to the event, please feel free to send a message to our VSASAA facebook page. Invite your VSA friends too. We look forward to seeing you there!